Service for processing your photos
Retouching a photo for color with your master frames in Lightroom Classic
* If you've never worked with catalogs and Smart Preview, we'd be happy to help you out, email us.
We process your 
footage and give it to you via any disk.
Save and zip it. Upload it to Google Disk. 
Send the link to us.
Process one 
master frame with its own color for 
for each location. Mark the master frame with any color, 
or a check mark.
Create a Smart Preview catalog. Name it Wedding Date (for your convenience).
Processing photos with our color in Lightroom Classic
If you're still looking for your style in processing, you'll be happy to process with our preset, example  
Giving the photo for retouching in Photoshop
If you need Photoshop, send
jpg photos 
to Google Disk and write us the terms of reference
Photoshop price
1 - 150 image - 0.7$/image
150 - 400 image - 0.6$/image
Basic editing
From 4$/image
"Beauty" editing
What's included in Photoshop?
 Color correction


Skin brushing + tone equalization via "Frequency Decomposition"
Facial Volumizing

Body and Face Plasticization

Teeth whitening

"Beautiful pupils

Skin texture simulation

Changing hair volume in plastic

"Beauty" editing
Basic editing
Light skin cleansing (pimples, scratches).

Toning of spots and bruises on the skin.

Body plastic surgery (second chin in profile,
clenched hand).

Red areas of the skin (color matching).

Teeth whitening.

Lightroom price 
According to your master footage
1 - 150 image - 0.5$/image
150 - 400 image - 0.45$/image
400 - 800 image - 0.4$/image
800+ image - 0.3$/image
culling - 0.02$/image
Our color
1 - 150 image - 0.4$/image
150 - 400 image - 0.35$/image
400 - 800 image - 0.3$/image
800+ image - 0.2$/ image
culling - 0.02$/image
What is included in Lightroom?
Color correction for your master shots, or our color

 Classic cropping

 Use of brushes and gradients
Lightroom+Photoshop Price

1 - 150 image - 0.7$/image
150 - 400 image - 0.6$/image
400 - 600 image - 0.5$/image
More information
The minimum order amount is. 
Test processing of 2 photos - free of charge!

The final cost of each tariff depends on the complexity of processing.
For example, complex plastic can add 10-50% to the cost of the order.

Retouching group portraits of 3 people, as well as retouching background and clothing - is considered individually.

We process all photos where there are people.

Upon receipt of the order and the technical task, the administrator will tell you the exact amount.